Friday, February 26, 2010

Video in the blog!

While culling and processing the photos from Dany and Leslie's Wedding I realized something. At some parts of the shoot, it almost looks like a stop-motion movie if you flip through them fast enough.

While I don't employ the "Spray-and-Pray" method of shooting, I do take several shots of one setting with different looks. What's "Spray-and-Pray" you ask? In the world of Photography, it's usually a derogatory term used to describe a method some use in which you take an obscene amount of continuous photos hoping (praying) one will turn out nicely, as opposed to carefully framing each shot for light, posing, exposure and so on. However this method is usually the best method in the sports world where waiting on one perfect shot is not practical.

Back to my story- Flipping quickly through these photos gives the effect of semi-fluid motion not unlike old Gumby episodes.
This is the first time I've tried making a slide show of a photo shoot, and I kinda like it. The video program I used degraded the image quality pretty harshly, but I think it still looks OK.

The video is encoded in HD, so if you have a fast connection and a decent computer, select the "720p" option at the bottom of the video. It's about 8-and-a-half minutes, so check it out. If you're reading this on Facebook, click THIS LINK and check the blog. And as usual, leave me some blog-lovin' comments at the bottom of the post.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This video is great! You really captured those moments as beautiful as they should've. Great music selection/style. I really appreciate the care that was given to this project.- MR